About Us
Dr Shalin J Shah is the founder and director of Gujarat Diabetes and Endocrine foundation (GDEF). He is the leading Endocrinologist and Diabetologist in Ahmedabad. He has vast experience in treating endocrine diseases having been trained in the topmost hospital in Delhi. He has a special interest in research and latest advancements in the field of endocrinology. He is affiliated to majority of the leading hospitals in Ahmedabad and also provides his services in trust hospitals to serve the poor and needy. His areas of special interest are Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS and Pediatric endocrinology.
Diabetes covers a group of diseases where the functioning of the pancreas or the body's metabolism is improper, which leads to the presence of high sugar levels in the body.
The Thyroid gland secretes Thyroxine/Tetraiodothyronine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) hormones that regulate the metabolism rate of the body and brain function and promotes the development and growth of the body. There are majorly two disorders depending on the amount of hormone secretion.
The Pituitary Gland, also referred to as the master gland, is responsible for regulating other hormone-releasing glands by secreting hormones like growth, thyroid-stimulating hormone, oxytocin, etc. Two conditions cause Pituitary disorders- either the Pituitary gland is too active or is underactive; both these cases affect the functioning of other glands
Obesity, in simple terms, is being overweight (excessively) because of extra fat accumulation in the body. This medical condition is a result of an unhealthy diet, hormonal fluctuation, genetics, less physical activity, or any other underlying condition.
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