Cure Pediatric
Short Stature
Short Stature
About Short Stature
Short stature is the condition of short or restricted height. It is diagnosed as 2 standard deviations below the mean height of children at that particular age. The causes behind the person being of short stature can be attributed to hormone deficiency, genetics, or in some cases, malnutrition. When it is due to hormonal deficiency, it is the Growth Hormone (GH) secreted by Pituitary Gland which is lacking. This results in ineffective growth of tissues, low bone density, low level of insulin-like growth hormone, and disrupted metabolism. Usually, the effect begins to show in childhood, and the growth retardation continues. Also, there can be an incapability of the body to use growth hormones which can reflect a short stature. This problem of short stature is treatable with Growth Hormone Therapy.
Growth Hormone Therapy is given to children, usually before their puberty begins. There are injections of growth hormone given to the child daily until substantial growth is achieved and the effectiveness is assessed timely by the Endocrinologist. It is a long-term treatment that has shown results in treating the problem of Short Stature and Dwarfism.